14 August, 2012

Ravellenics Failure

So they're over.  Time to admit my defeat.     I don't think I did too badly.  The socks are mostly done and honestly if I hadn't lost 4 days knitting to migraines and 1 day to a swollen hand I probably could have finished them.  

I did consider pulling the Pulsations Socks off the needles and finishing them, but then decided it was never about the Ravellenics or the badges.  It was about doing it because I could (despite what the naysayers say), and because it was a challenge.   

So here's the last picture I took of the socks.  They're actually further along, I stopped working on them at the end of the Ravellenics, but I haven't taken an "End of Ravellenics" pic yet.  I will,  some day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still pulling for you on these. I'm going to keep checking to see how you're doing. :)

