12 April, 2012

Houston, we have a problem...

So in working, albeit slowly on my 6 pairs at once project I ran into a problem.   Although my gauge matched what the patterns called for some of the socks, 4 pairs to be exact, were coming out too big.  I wasn't far enough into them that it cause too much discomfort to rip them out and start again.  I'll be using the same yarns, but different patterns.   I have the patterns chosen and I'm casting them on again.  I will update once I have finished casting on and gotten a few rows worked.   

I'm also behind on my knitting for other people so once these are cast on they'll lay aside until July when the Ravelympics starts. 

I should really try to not be so lazy about my posting and do updates on other stuff I knit.   Really,  I knit all the time.   I just never post about it.  I should do that. 

Post edited.   I won't be doing the Ravelympics.